No cooldown.. limited time to fly.. and gliding..
My first attempt at flying resulted in me running out of flying time and dropping to my death.. lol. Fyi: gliding counts as flying, it just doesn't drain at as fast a rate. One might want to change it so shift+R/shift+F toggles flight.. instead of having to click on the icon or having to press PgUp/PgDn.
One thing; you would think that if you pressed W to go forward to gain momentum, if you pressed S (backwards) that you would pull up and gain altitude... nope..
I saw a trainer that gives more flight time.. i dunno what +100 means... but I do know what 12 Million kinah means (unattainable for a casual player! :P)
Aion does have an asian-ey or Final Fantasy feel.. I kinda like it; its different..

Looks like they spent alot more time designing their buildings compared to some other games.
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