
The Return

Wow; does this guy blog anymore these days?

Makes me wonder if I really want to be a technical writer or business systems analyst anymore.
Its probably just the fact that I've picked up and replaced one addiction for another and neither allows time for writing.

People attribute New Years with changing themselves and making resolutions.
I personally don't like "new years resolutions" b/c I feel its set to just one day and something that usually isn't successful.
And because of this, they usually end up being the same ones as the previous year.
That it is better that when you think of a way to improve yourself, to just start that day and not to wait any longer.
Do little baby steps and make it a habit; by making it a habit you will become successful. Force yourself to do it and it will become harder the longer you try.
But then one day it will just become second nature and then you've succeeded.

What kind of resolutions did you have this year?

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